Boston creates the perfect storm for AI performance with DDN

Thursday, 29 October 2020    Source:

St Albans, Frogmore, October 29th - Boston Limited to include DDN® in its High-Performance product portfolio to best-fit AI use-cases and includes the new DDN A3I platform.

For over 20 years, DDN has been the storage powerhouse enabling enterprises, service providers, universities and government agencies to generate more value from their data by accelerating time to insight and then creating actionable information both on-premise and in the cloud.

Built, deployed and supported by experts in data intensive workloads, DDN A3I NVME platforms supply unified data access for AI and analytics applications. The DDN AI400X is a turnkey appliance for at-scale NVIDIA® DGX™ deployments. DDN recommends the AI400X as the optimal data platform for DGX POD designs with the DGX A100 system because of its ability to scale flexibly and allow customers to migrate from test to production in the least time.

Manoj Nayee, Managing Director of Boston Limited, states: "DDN has always been associated with high performance systems just like Boston and so I am pleased we are able to bring our skills together and formalise our DDN relationship to offer best-in-class computing capability for our clients. As a leading, global, integrator who looks to provide some of the world's best IT solutions, we pride ourselves in partnering with vendors who illustrate a similar ideology. DDN offers reliability without sacrificing performance for solutions tailored to the needs of common clients. Our joint expertise can be helpful to customers within the new spaces of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning across multiple verticals like Life Science, Healthcare, and National Government. DDN’s global support capability fit’s well to Boston’s own support delivery." 

"DDN is known for providing trusted solutions that bring the performance we promise," adds James Coomer, Vice President of Products, DDN. "We are thrilled to be partnering with the expert team at Boston Limited and letting results speak for themselves. They are known for their no-nonsense approach to delivering optimised solutions that increase productivity for their customers and joining them in those efforts is an honour."

The team at Boston Labs were excited to run some benchmarks on the AI400X flash array to compare the suitability to a local all-flash RAID for AI workloads. To measure the performance of the AI400X system, the team employed the optimised ResNet v1.5 for MXNet implementation provided by NVIDIA through the NVIDIA GPU Cloud and DGX™ A100 for compute. The benchmark was run for 30 epochs with batch sizes of 192 and 384. Each test was performed three times and the numbers reported are the average of these. The results showed that when using DDN's AI400X storage with a DGX-A100, performance is almost identical to a local all-flash RAID, with all the added benefits of scalable shared storage. To see the full benchmark results and how they performed, read our blog.

©2020 All rights reserved. DDN and A3I are registered trademarks owned by DataDirect Networks. DGX is a registered trademark owned by NVIDIA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


For further information, including product details and specifications, please contact: 

Maz Lopez
[email protected]
Head of Marketing, Boston Limited
Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5:30 PM GMT 

Notes to editors:

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